In an interview with the German portal Chefärztebrief, Prof. Dr. Björn Krüger, head of the “Personalized Digital Health and Telemedicine” research group at the Departement for Epileptology at the University Hospital Bonn (UKB), shared groundbreaking insights into the future of patient care through digital technology. The interview, titled “Digitally recorded movement patterns of patients can support many disciplines!”, delves into Prof. Krüger’s research on the digital capture of human data, including movement and vital parameters.
Prof. Krüger, whose work stands at the intersection of healthcare and technology, discussed how digital tools and methodologies are revolutionizing the way patient data is collected and analyzed. This includes everything from the way we understand movement patterns to how we monitor vital signs, offering a more comprehensive view of patient health than ever before.
You can find the whole interview here (paywall).