Welcome to our Thesis Project Topics page! Here you will find a list of intriguing and challenging topics suitable for Bachelor, Master, and Medical Doctorate theses. We are dedicated to supporting your academic journey by providing opportunities for in-depth research and discovery. Each topic listed can be adapted to the specific requirements of Bachelor, Master, or Medical Doctorate theses, ensuring relevance and suitability for your academic level. Bachelor and Master thesis topics are tailored for the Computer Science program, while PhD topics are for medical students. For PhD thesis topics in the Mathematics and Natural Sciences faculty, please reach out to Prof. Krüger to discuss further. If you are interested in any of the topics listed or have any questions, please reach out to the contact person listed or Prof. Krüger for guidance and information.
Open Thesis Topics
Erweiterung der Blutprobendatenbank (B.Sc. Computer Science)
Hannah Greß
In einer vorherigen Bachelorarbeit wurde aus einer Excel-Tabelle, die zum Blutprobenmangement und -analyse von Epilepsiepatienten genutzt wurde, in eine handliche Datenbank überführt. Während der Bachelorarbeit, aber auch jetzt im Betrieb kamen neue Anforderungen auf, die in einer zweiten Bachelorarbeit umgesetzt werden sollen.
EpiEye / EOG (Dr. med.)
Prof. Krüger
We want to investigate whether eye movement can be tracked well with the help of EEG-electrodes close to the eyes (Electrooculography). For this study we are recording eye movement with eye-tracking glasses (PupilLabs Neon) to obtain a ground truth.
Experimental setup and Matlab (Psychtoolbox) code for conducting the study are already complete. The candidate has to conduct the study with patients and analyze the data afterwards (employing machine learning techniques). Some programming experience, e.g. in Python, is helpful, but can also be obtained during the thesis.